GMA 7 Short Film

These days, I don't really watch tv since i spend too much on computer and thinking on what to do next on my life. One night I joined my sister as she is watching different shows on different channel, from channel 13 as she is watching her favorite sports basketball, going to channel 5 during half time or time-out, then to channel 7 (GMA 7 as widely known ).

From Channel 7, she didn't changed the channel where at that time is airing a short film. A short film that shows the value of Christmas essence. It goes on how a two young boys struggle for a living. And it touched me in many ways. 

As I grew up with my two younger half sisters, we've been through a lot of ups and downs and managed to past all of it together with my mom. I envisioned our life to them. 

 I was touched as the two boys helping out each other to go to school and for their daily lives. They just borrowing each other's school uniform (from polo to socks and shoes). When the other one is done from his class he automatically give the uniform to his brother and after doing his assignments, he is going to push cart and sell goods. And as the Christmas day came, the other boy feel sorry for his brother that nobody bought goods that they might use to buy food (I'm not sure in particular) for Christmas Eve. And then they saw a gifts from a good Samaritan. 

Come to think of it, sometimes we felt that we are the one and only persons who suffered difficulties in life, without even knowing that somewhere out there, are some families and person that is suffering and getting much trials than you had. That in life it is fine to think of what we don't have but use it to strive harder and dream for a better life without loosing hope while appreciating and loving what we have. And don't forget to look back and thank those people who love, help, trust, appreciate and believe in you during those days that you can't share anything other than your time and love. 

Well done GMA Channel 7, as always, you inspire us and open our eyes and heart in this kind of life.  

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