The Best Version of Me

Monday, June 29, 2020 24
Baby photo

I don’t know but most of the time she looks like me... so they say ! Haha ! And just this morning , I woke up that she was staring at me (oh, she sleeps between me and my husband mostly on early morning, with pillows around her before us, just to be safe) and I looked at her adorable face, and I’ve realised she is the best version of me.

A peely-wally wee Scottish Lassie. Her sparkling big eyes who change colours almost everyday. Some day they are grayish blue , sometimes seems like hazel colour. Confusing on what would be the final colour but still lovely as she is.

We might both love cameras but she love mostly to be in the videos. She enjoys watching herself. She laughs and giggle a lot. She plays on her own sometimes but she loves attention without measure.

A charming wee lassie , a bonnie lassie as her Scottish Grandfather always tell her.

She is our Caitie, our wee cutie


Caitie's First Beach Experience

Thursday, June 25, 2020 16
Caitie and John Mills fine afternoon; sunny and warm , we drove down to North Berwick, a seaside town in East Lothian, Scotland. We've been there many times before we had Caitie. My sister-in-law's family, owns a holiday home there that makes us easy to stay for a night or so whenever possible. What makes this more meaningful is, this is our wee ones first beach experience.

We left Edinburgh before lunch. Nearly an hour going and another an hour going back to Edinburgh City Centre depends on what route you take. Caitie was sleeping all way long. She loves travelling I can tell, she always looks curious whenever she is in the car and awake, she loves looking around. Just like her daddy says, that she is so inquisitive (not nosy).

When we arrived North Berwick, it was so sunny and warm, lovely to stay by the beach. This is the first summer that we were there, our previous trip was Spring and it was so cold and windy eventhough its sunny. The weather may change but the beauty of the town is still the same. 

John MillsWe had a wee blether with Susan, my sister-in-law, whilst we are all sitting down on the warm sand. Caitie, as usual, showed off her charming side, laughing and giggling with her Scottish auntie, she was in a good mood as she had a good sleep and just had her milk when Susan joined us. I was speechless and just stared watching Caitie laughing with Susan. Her daddy was holding her whilst she kept jumping off the sand. Too bad, I forgot to take her a video as I just enjoyed watching her. 

Anne & Caitie Mills

Although, it was so warm and sunny, the sea was cold. We let Caitie feel the water for few seconds where she looks as if wondering what is that whilst following the small waves. 

Splash About Warm in One Baby Wetsuit and Matching New Improved Happy Nappy (6-12 Months, Nina's Ark)

Anne Mills        Anne Mills

Anne MillsJohn & Caitie Mills  
Family Photo

We went back Edinburgh in the afternoon and Caitie was sound out as soon as she sat in the car.


My Top Pick Swimsuit

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 0

My top pick swimsuit from #SHEIN 

HOME | Bathroom Accessories

Friday, June 19, 2020 38
Please note: 
If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission,
at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support! 

Home Decor

Bathroom Decor

My blogsite is still undergoing redesigning and updating and so is the house . Managed to decorate a wee part of the bathroom whilst the wee one is amazed, watching me move from one side to another. Glad to see the improvement one corner at a time. Though still loads to do and don't want to think about it. Taking photos and seeing the acceptable outcome of what I've finished inspires me to keep going.

Our wee plant been transferred from the big vase to this one that a friend gave me, where I see it perfectly suitable than the big one that John bought in the local shop after the old vase was broken into pieces during the move.

Love the personalised bottles that I've got from eBay. The seller also offers personalised pump bottles but I've got mine from other shop.

Bathroom accessories
Personalised Glass Bottles 

Oh yeah, I love personalising things. Got our lovely face towels also in eBay.

Face Towel
Personalised Face Towel | eBay

Face Towel
Personalised Monogram Initial Embroidery Face Towel

I love our Towel Stand , just what I need to lessen things putting on the wall. 

Face Towel Stand
Towel Stand

That's all for now. Looking forward to do more this week whilst hubby is on leave. Yahooooo! 

Lifestyle Blogger

UK Spouse Visa Requirements for Filipinos

Wednesday, June 17, 2020 16

travel photo

I am a Filipino married to a British citizen and thought of compiling UK Settlement Wife/Husband Visa. This is often called spouse visa.  If you are Filipino married to British citizen this list might  help you on doing your own application. Please bear in mind that this is for entry clearance as a spouse (wife or husband) , Settlement Visa applied outside UK. Filipino citizen can also apply from country where they have a residence permit.

Below is the compilation of requirements intended for Filipino married to British. 


Minimum income requirement

- Partner with no children – £18,600.
- 1 child in addition to the partner – £22,400.
- 2 children in addition to the partner – £24,800.
- 3 children in addition to the partner – £27,200.



  • - Online application print out , register here 

  • - All proof of payments ( Immigration Health Surcharge or IHS email payment confirmation,  Settlement Priority Visa Service receipt if applicable)
  • - Printed copy of email confirmation of your IHS reference number 
  • - APPENDIX 2  (VAF4A AUGUST 2018) FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT FORM  download here    . please note: old online application requires this, however no need to include this in the new online application. 
  • - SU07 (Sponsorship undertaking form) , download here
  • - IELTS Life Skills A1 as minimum  , approved test centres in the Philippines , British Council  and IDP   , check here if the test centres your eyeing is still in the approved list .

  • - All support letters (cover letter for applicant, supporting letter for sponsor, optional letters from family and friends ) 
  • - Copy of  sponsor's passport 
  • - Copy of all Ph entry and exit stamps from passport (sponsor)
  • - PSA Marriage certificate ( some was got approved with their marriage certificate not in PSA copy, and haven't heard anyone refused of not submitting in PSA copy ) 
  • - Divorce papers if married previously
  • - Children’s birth certificates if you have children together. 
  • - Pictures through out relationship, reasonable numbers from each visit and the same from wedding. 
  • - Conversations and call logs from What's app/viber/fb messages,FaceTime,fb video  logs,Skype logs (which ever communication you use)
  • - Proof of remittances (optional but advisable if you have one) 
  • - Flight email bookings of sponsor’s travel in the Ph (if possible)
  • - Hotel bookings or rental agreement on where you stay in the Philippines (if possible)     
REMEMBER although the list of relationship proof is not stated on the document list on the Gov UK website, if you don’t provide proof of regular contact with your spouse you will be refused. In addition, as much as possible, before you download your proof of communication, change the name to your legal (passport ) name (if you haven't done so),  as such in some instances it will caused refusal. 

  • - 6 months wage slips if monthly pay , 7 wage slips if four-weekly pay, 13 wage slips if  bi-weekly pay, 26 wage slips if weekly pay  (last one within 28 days of online submission)
  • - 6 months bank statements or should covered the pays of the submitted wage slips ( last one within 28 days of online application submission)
  • - Employment contract
  • - Letter from employer stating he/she is employed there, job title or position hold, length of employment, permanent or temporary, annual salary or hourly rate if paid hourly, how long have been paid with the current salary, payslips are genuine (within 28 days of online application submission)
* P60’s are NOT needed for Category A but can be used for category B


if Renting
  • - Tenancy agreement.
  • - Letter from landlord (stating number of bedrooms, number of occupants, number of people the property accommodates, and allowing the applicant to stay there) 
  • - Recent Council tax bill 
  • - Utility bills
  • - Photos of accommodation 
  • - if living with parents/relatives, include letter from them stating you’re allowed to stay there.
if owned property
  • - Recent Council tax bill 
  • - Mortgage statement (recent)
  • - Photos of accommodation


  • - What to bring with you, please click here
  • - Options for submission of supporting documents, please visit VFS website


Spouse Visa Fees

      English test: ₱ 10,415.00  ( can pay online or offline through their website) 
      TB test :       ₱   3,600.00  ( pay in cash at the clinic) 
      Visa fee:       $   1,935.00   ( online payment only )
      Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) : £ 1,200.00  (online payment only)
      Priority service: ₱ 38,391.00 (optional)   , more details at VFS website

      * Allot on minor expenses for other supporting documents 

Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT A PROFESSIONAL ADVICE, this is based on personal experiences. Make it a habit to read on Gov UK  and VFS Global website for updates.